'The Phileo Journey' to a woman
who lost her home goes beyond the basics. What will The Phileo House provide? A Safe Dwelling and Hot Meals
Our commitment is to first provide a caring transitional home supplying basic needs, a private room, warm meals and nourishment, through a safe and secure journey back to their pre-crisis state. Our eco-conscious house will protect our folks against inclement weather, undignified treatment, and diseases, as we protect our environment and God-given resources. |
Equipping back towards independence is our mission, supporting women's emotional and mental health to thrive. To navigate this transition our programs will include:
A Place To Pray with Others We will look less traditional in our gatherings as a faith-based organization, but the love and empowerment of God will always meet us there. Being in a loving and right relationship with God, self, others and the rest of the creation brings about real transformation. This is how we aim to serve and uplift each sheltered woman throughout 'The Phileo Journey' toward stability once more. |
A 508(c)1A nonprofit organization made with love.