'"Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build my house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored," says the Lord. Haggai 1:8
The House, a vision from God's heart, filled my being in 2007-2008 as I was praying. Reading the above Scripture, I didn't have a doubt of what I sensed spiritually, and during that moment, I even had a glimpse of how this house would look like. Being a physician, I felt strongly about the need for a medical clinic to care for the less fortunate, and three years later, in 2011, the 'first House' was incorporated as a portable medical clinic. Nevertheless, God had planned for more. I always questioned myself why a medical organization would carry the name 'The House' (Portable Medical Care back then), but I followed God's direction . Five years later our mission came to a halt leaving questions unanswered, but God was not done. On March 2022, revisiting and resuming the mission felt strong once again. |
This time, its full purpose and reason for its name -The House- became crystalline: to help bring back relief and restoration to unsheltered fellows through a transitional holistic loving (Phileo) space.
In the way of a dream to a friend, God unequivocally confirmed, three days later, the need to retake the mission, and shortly thereafter our Board of Directors was born. Isn't God faithful? The Phileo House purpose is defined and clear: |
We invite you to extend God's restoration and healing to the many who will be empowered and alleviated from the shame and pain of unexpected homelessness through our service. Let's do it together!
A 508c(1)a faith-based non profit organization made with love.